Tatii Lange
Tatii Lange
Freelance Illustrator & Concept Artist
Vancouver, Canada

My name is Tatiana Lange and Im a 28 yo illustrator and concept artist with a focus on the fantasy genre.
Aside from my work, I have a big passion for biological sciences and zoology, which led me to study Marine Biology for 3 years. Though my real vocation has always been art, I feel that having experienced a scientific career has given me not only the mental challenge that I sought, but also strong imagery foundations and knowledge from which I can make my artwork and concepts richer.

I was a big 'book worm' since I can remember and the thrill of recreating those imagined worlds on paper has never left me. Reading, travelling, games, music, movies and documentaries are all my preferred activities and the fuel of my imagination.

Currently based on Vancouver, Canada and looking for work in the area!

My software of choice is Photoshop CC of which I have expert working knowledge, Im also comfortable using 3D programs for mocking up ideas and use as a base for illustrating (Maya, Blender).

Resume PDF


Concept ArtEnvironment DesignIllustrationCreature DesignBook Cover Illustration

Software proficiency



  • Illustrator at Stray Studios
    April 2022 - August 2022

    Produced high detail illustrations of 10 creatures

  • Illustrator at Ghostfire Gaming
    July 2021 - April 2022

    Produced 3 environment illustrations for Fables: Citadel of the Unseen sun

    Produced 2 story moment illustrations for Fables: Pirates of the Aetherial Expanse

  • Illustrator at Smunchy Games
    January 2020 - June 2021

    Produced illustration for multiple characters and creatures

  • Illustrator at DRAKOS KEEP
    United States of America
    April 2019 - July 2019

    Produced illustrations for 2 dragon designs, each with 5 age stages.

    Illustrated backgrounds and environments for the website and menu of the game.

  • Illustrator at Mitos y Leyendas TCG
    Santiago, Chile
    May 2017 - January 2018

    Produced illustrations for several cards of the Legado Gotico Edition

    Produced illustrations for several cards of the Axis Mundi Edition

    Produced illustrations for several cards of the Aguila Imperial Edition

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